P.S. The tactics communists use are extremely effective, although, due to the aims of Communism, extremely destructive. It is okay for us to convert effective methods to use them for good, to promote Truth instead of lies.

The use of Affidavits as described by Jack and Margy Flynn of Citizens of the American Constitution (link in first comment) is lawful and effective, as seen in their own lives and in the lives of their students. See their Lesson 5 in the free course offered on their site. It’s truly awesome.

IF we can get hundreds of people to show an interest, county by county, in the country, then we should be able to get those same hundreds to write and send, notarized affidavits to remove traitors (whether by design or out of ignorance) from our government. The government is NEVER above the people in this Constitutional Republic of We the People. No Communist/Antifa/insurrectionist tactics need be used if people will use their God-given, Constitutional Right as BOSS, to remedy the treason/oath-breaking workers in our employ.


IMHO, the GOP is dead, infiltrated and corrupted with greedy LIFERS in Congress. They vote themselves freedom from Obamacare, freedom from death shots, and increased benefits and salaries ALL the time. Go to Congress to SERVE the people, the country, the Constitution, for a couple of terms, THEN GO HOME and work a real job and live under the laws you passed. That was the intention of our American founders (not the loyalists to Great Britain, of whom many were in our country’s founding) and maintains validity today. The GOP is a money vacuum for greedy men and women who want a career in government, and it was never supposed to be a career, but a service to one’s brother and sister Americans.

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P.S. The tactics communists use are extremely effective, although, due to the aims of Communism, extremely destructive. It is okay for us to convert effective methods to use them for good, to promote Truth instead of lies.

The use of Affidavits as described by Jack and Margy Flynn of Citizens of the American Constitution (link in first comment) is lawful and effective, as seen in their own lives and in the lives of their students. See their Lesson 5 in the free course offered on their site. It’s truly awesome.

IF we can get hundreds of people to show an interest, county by county, in the country, then we should be able to get those same hundreds to write and send, notarized affidavits to remove traitors (whether by design or out of ignorance) from our government. The government is NEVER above the people in this Constitutional Republic of We the People. No Communist/Antifa/insurrectionist tactics need be used if people will use their God-given, Constitutional Right as BOSS, to remedy the treason/oath-breaking workers in our employ.


IMHO, the GOP is dead, infiltrated and corrupted with greedy LIFERS in Congress. They vote themselves freedom from Obamacare, freedom from death shots, and increased benefits and salaries ALL the time. Go to Congress to SERVE the people, the country, the Constitution, for a couple of terms, THEN GO HOME and work a real job and live under the laws you passed. That was the intention of our American founders (not the loyalists to Great Britain, of whom many were in our country’s founding) and maintains validity today. The GOP is a money vacuum for greedy men and women who want a career in government, and it was never supposed to be a career, but a service to one’s brother and sister Americans.

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BAR attorneys work for the Corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC.

We the people created The Constitution for the United States of America, based on God’s eternal Law, and have the Right to interpret the law. The government was created by the people, through the Constitution. No creation is ever above the creator. It is our Right to get rid of oath-breaking employees.

Our “Right to counsel” does not restrict us to an attorney. Counsel is anyone whom we choose to give us wise advice. Attorneys are “officers of the court” and their main objective is to make a profit for the corporate court. Courts are incorporated; for profit, and do not work for the benefit of the people.

I can’t listen to much of David José but know someone in a nearby town who used his methods through The Affidavit Mamas, who helped stop the seizure of her newborn, twin, grandchildren by CPA who were directed by the doctor at the hospital to get the twins from the mother because she refused to stay in the hospital for an extended period. From what I understand, David José got started when his own children were taken. He just talks way to much for me to listen to him for long.

For your own benefit, especially, and that of your listeners, please learn about the difference between our original, organic Constitution of 1789 amended with the Bill of Rights in 1791, and the fraudulent, corporate constitution of 1871. www.citizensoftheamericanconstitutionDOTnet. Free 20-hour course and other, sound teaching on the Constitution and valid, lawful, Constitutional methods to monitor and fire oath-breaking public servants, i.e., our employees.

I am saddened by Mike Lindell’s attachment to Flynn and Clay Clark. Michelle Moore (Rumble) had a dynamite podcast on “Is Mike Flynn who we think he is?” Flynn and Clark (see the covers of Clark’s books, one of which was changed to disguise the satanic, Masonic symbolism) both give secret signs of the secret society . . . JFK mentioned the insidiousness of secret societies in our government before he was murdered. Clay Clark started the Truth and Freedom event at which Flynn, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell (I think), Jim Caviezel (by Zoom) and others first spoke. The draw was, “NO MASKS ALLOWED,” beside all the popular, high-profile movers and shakers in the patriot movement. It was not long after the first couple of events that Clay maintained, “General Flynn came to me and said, ‘We need to take this on the road; all over the country, to wake up Americans,’ thus, the REAWAKEN AMERICA TOUR.”

Your incredibly potent observation about NO national media picking up the Raiklin video to expose/oppose it is stellar. Thank you. Decided to subscribe to read/hear what more you expose. Thank you for digging. It’s a bottomless pit, so, “job security” for sure!

Mike Lindell was a cocaine addict. I hope he truly is free of addiction, but it is not hard to imagine him being used by powerful, evil men who could get him back on cocaine and blackmail him. Lindell was always for Trump, “our true, real President,” so his attachment to Flynn is confusing.

I do believe the voting machines can be manipulated. Not a psyop. Technology is great when honest people are in charge of it, but any technology can be used for devious, evil purposes. DJT won in 2020. Only numbskulls don’t believe it, and mail-in ballots, stollen/trashed ballots, the scamdemic, dishonest people, and manipulated machines were all part of the stolen election.

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