Mark Lamb is losing because he announced the election was NOT rigged or stolen. He said it again a couple of days ago after so many reports of election fraud have come out from across the country Especially here in AZ. Richer the country recorder who is an R but is really a Marxist /Dem is despised.

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Great piece though. There aren't a lot of folks who I read on here, but you and Elizabeth do top notch research.

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May I suggest that Kari Lake has hurt herself here in AZ as well. Informed folks understand that media personalities like Kari go through a lot of training, and that they READ the news, they do not investigate stories. They haven't over your lifetime or mine. She is not believable as a conservative with integrity. The election lawsuit was not designed to win. I believe it was loaded with flaws from the outset. I so agree with your assessment of Wren but I do not think Kari is a victim. Either she was sincere on the air for 20 years, and had NO intellectual curiosity or she is less than sincere. Having lived here since 93, I believe the latter.

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Kari Lake became a beloved News Anchor who earned a lucrative living as a good woman who was smart, funny, decent, and a good Christian who loves this country. That was the candidate who was robbed of the Governorship by a corrupt democrat party machine who sabotaged voting machines to deliberately discourage voters - AND OUTRIGHT DISENFRANCHISE A SIZABLE PORTION - IN PRECINTS THAT NO LONGER EXIST - because of the installation of county wide voting centers - SO WHY WAS THAT DEMOGRAPHIC PRECINCT INFO ON THE WALL OF THE COUNTY COUNT CENTER?

That is an easy question that answers itself. thanks to the information learned in the Arizona Audit and the subsequent trials challenging 2022 results.

The background reporting on Wren is instructive and thus important. But I was just yesterday at Dream City and Trump was in full throated Roar - and he still backs his girl. Wren was there and appeared downright chastened if not medicated. Nothing succeeds like success, and should she & Kari survive Lamb's challenge, money will not serve Gallego the way it did Mark Kelly.

The real test here in Arizona is has the Republican Party - with sound people replacing the hacks from the McDaniel era - can the Party deliver on the efforts to out hustings the Democrats hustle - when the War Room cry of 'action action action, materializes by way of mechanics, mechanics, mechanics.

If that is true - and I pray to Jesus it is - then Scott Pressler and Charlie Kirk and the experience of the Florida Folks at American Majority Action - will help us climb a mountain to get to the hill we need to die on - come what may.

While Lake broke my heart with such tawdry stupidity, Lamb has comported himself with a solid maturity and decency that is truly remarkable. How bad is the venal thirst for grabbing a seat out here besides the Wren Chronicles? You have Abe on the Garett Lewis garbage in garbage out Shock Jock 550 hour seriously trying to sell Blake Masters as a 'lefty Vegan' in his Standford DAZE who joined a NAKED COMMUNE where evidently, he ate enough magic 'shroons' to connect with Peter Theil on ZERO TO ONE.

It is that silly here in the silly season. But. Anyone paying attention to how badly the 'CHIP ACT' has been going with the Phase 1 out here at the Taiwanese plant knows it would be a distinct benefit to have a successful Tech Entrepeneur to shepherd that in the district he is running, among many other reasons and qualities born out when he ran statewide for the Senate.

I was a young man when I saw this kind of energy for Ronald Reagan - in Ohio, Pa, and Washington. DC.

It does feel very dark. But I am telling you despite these tragic mistakes there is a whole lotta shaken going on in these grass roots. This time we will not lose for smug lack of trying - those folks are going to get door knocked and phone bombed. They will have to emphatically join the Brewer, Robeson, & Ducy saboteurs to elect a progressive who is every bit Raul Grijalva's evil little Brujo Bro.

Not only was Trump ELECTRIC BOOGALOO on 6/6, but like 1980, people are living a nightmare, and it has DEMOCRAT written all over it. At least Carter did not shit himself in public.

At Dream City...GOD...WAS...STILL ....IN CHARGE. Forget about the gloom and doomers. Pray and put your shoulder into it. What was beautiful - and now forgotten as wholly unexpected in 1980 - will likewise be Amazing Grace come January '25,

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