Nice to see Citizen Free Press included in their aggregate of articles Scott💪

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Yes almost 40k page views!

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Aug 12Liked by Scott McMahan

Amazing. A delegate of mine stated he’s still receiving emails from her and suspects she still plans a takeover as chair next Year.

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They certainly will not quit. They’ve recruited a new crop and are doing their best to indoctrinate them, but a critical mass now sees the poison fruit they have produced.

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Aug 14Liked by Scott McMahan

Great Reporting as usual Scott. I had no idea how far this cancer had spread within the party. I'm sorry for saying this, but Bannon has done a great disservice here. HOWEVER,, our key Trump Campaign team, must STOP THE BLEEDING from these damaging bottom feeders.

Let's start with the key influencers:

Bannon's War Room



Redacted: A great source of Independent News. A Former Fox Guy, who is friends with Tucker.

OANN: Particularly Dan Ball

The Flag Shirt Guy: The Manager of Precinct Strategy

RAV: Particularly the January 6th Show, that always brings on Byrne and Flynn with the J6 people. Dangerous considering some of those folks are Flynn Cronies.

Thanks to the MG/Show, and because I read the book by Kellogg early on myself, I would NOT get involved with the Flag Shirt Guys, Precinct Strategy Movement. Flynn and friends infiltrated that FIRST.

Flynn has also moved in with former Trump National Security Guy, If he ever actually was, Lt Col McGregger. They seem to be interchangible on various independent media.

Even Scott Ritter, who does great honest reporting on not only the Israel/Iran debacle, but also the Russia/Ukraine issue. He hates Flynn, but he avidly hates Trump. Why? Because Flynn is Trump's main squeeze. Ritter has a fantastic following, even though Biden's deep state is all over him to shut his mouth. Many people follow Scott Ritter. This is not good.

I know most of you, like me, vomit in your mouth at the sight of these people on our TV channels. They are actively involved in hurting NOT helping us WIN this race. That is not conjecture, at this point, it is a FACT.

I know the Trump Campaign Staff are tied up to say the least, but it's my opinion, that something must BE DONE at this point to shut this down. Whether it is a statement from Trump himself, to each of these key people (influencers) notifying them that though their support is wonderful, neither Roger Stones, Jr, Michael Flynn, Jr, Patrick Byrne, or Lara Logan, Lt. Colonel McGregger, or ......are in any way officially involved in the Trump Campaign, or spokespeople in anyway for President Donald J. Trump, furthermore, official endorsements of candidates, are expressly given by Donald J. Trump, or by State Chairman -- that would be appreciated. Something to that effect. We need to get Flynn and Co out of the business of pushing candidates.

IT'S CRITICAL. These people are dividing the movement, confusing people, and causing significant financial damage bleeding funds we NEED. Those of us working the calls, the neighborhood walks, and holding signs like fools on the street corners to wake up the masses, need them gone once and for all.. How to do this legally, yet effectively. is the job of the campaign lawyers, but it has to be done. The faster the better.

In my opinion Scott, you were the person that lighted the issue to the Trump Campaign, so I'm asking you for help. Push this request up the chain. I know they are busy as hell at this point, but this infiltration must come to a very quick and efficient end. After all, I'm expecting my President to fight the deepstate and it's tentacles once he gets into office. The campaign team can be as nice as pie, while telling these people and our official influencers, get out of our way, stay clear or else.

Hell, I'll write the official draft myself if needed.

Thanks Scott.

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There is a lot of good reporting on the left that comes to the wrong conclusions because of the false belief that Trump and Flynn are aligned.

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