Jul 1Liked by Scott McMahan

I saw an X post today of someone saying how she struck up a conversation in a restaurant with ppl who happened to be Republican who said they’re not going to vote.

It still shocks me.

These ppl thought DJT was just in too much of a mess. The woman posting the story was too thrown off to be able to sway them.

So we must all be forewarned and prepared to respond to this kind of situation.

Nixon’s words come to mind:

“The American people don’t believe anything until they see it on TV.”


It has merely extended outward to the internet.

Propaganda-hard & soft - is still the main weapon.

Perhaps that’s a good place to start and ask these Republicans what their gut really tells them.

“Well, that’s what the forces who control us want us to think, but what do YOU really think?”

I must further ponder how to make the greatest impact with the fewest words.

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This is a good point. We need to have compassion for the people who we will need to hold their noses as they vote for Trump. Most Trump supporters condescend to them, which makes it much worse. If idiots use my very brief support of DeSantis (before he announced he was running and I saw who was supporting him, where I renounced that support) as an attempt to discredit me, it really shows the blind animosity so many Trump supporters have.

I think so many Trump supporters are a bigger impediment to moderates and independents voting for Trump than Trump himself. This of course is part of the psyop, as so many have been made into lunatics.

I share that because I think even before a word is spoken, we need to consider our attitude towards someone who believes differently than we do.

Then I think questions are generally more effective than statements, and to keep it focused on something they would know if they ever watched Fox news. Fox viewers don't necessarily think we are in an information war and that there are forces trying to control us.

So I would ask people like those your friend met, "What do you think about Biden's opening of the border and letting almost 20M unvetted illegal aliens into our country?" or, "What do you think of Biden's handling of the economy?"

I think if we take it as a social experiment rather than an opportunity to try to persuade, and take a genuine interest in them, it becomes an opportunity for us to learn and it actually becomes persuasive.

This is why doorknocking is so valuable and why the Flynn-linked anti-Republican cult does not engage in doorknocking unless it is to recruit more precinct delegates and deepen their power in the party. They don't want their people finding out what voters actually think.

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Wow! This is very succinct and well written. You just described what is going on in AZ (change the names). This is true journalism.

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Thank you Cherie! I was definitely thinking about Arizona as I wrote it. It's everywhere, but Arizona is front and center this week.

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Jun 28Liked by Scott McMahan

Too Big To Rig!!!

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Thanks for the reply, Scott.

You’re right. I will take your advice to heart.

The attitude & energy we bring to any encounter will set the course of the conversation.

Therefore, words - while important - are secondary.

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