May 21Liked by Scott McMahan

I’ve said over a year ago that these people have built themselves the Titanic and they think it’s the Love Boat! I believe them to be ego maniacs who are obsessed with “power” perhaps due to never being in a position of managerial authority that produces positive momentum and outcome. My suggestion…make more popcorn, enjoy the show and watch them sink themselves. In the meantime, support those sitting Commissioners, State Reps, Senators, etc. (and “REAL” credible candidates) who know how to get the job done!

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Hi Contessa, yes! It's fascinating to me how they do this nationally, raising up low-information and low-ability delegates, giving them power, and convincing them that they are saving the country as they destroy the party.

In a way it's a shame that they didn't do the convention. It would make a simple guide of who NOT to vote for in the primary. I suspect Dems will come out in droves in Ottawa to unseat Ottawa Impact across the board.

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In my opinion, a TRUE leader isn't concerned with "power" but more focused on effectiveness. These people seemed to more concerned with taking over everything without the skills to do an effective job afterwards...just sit back and watch their little island shrink more and more each day.

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This is a perfect example of what lawlessness produces. So glad Angela spoke truth to them.

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What a total shit show!!!!!

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